Monday, February 2, 2009

First thoughts and a Get To Know Me

A couple days ago I received what amounted to a Facebook Chain Letter. Remember those things when you first got an email address? "Forward this letter to 10 of your friends and you will be cut a check for $1000! No seriously! My friend's mother's co-worker's niece's college room-mate's dog's masseuse's secret lover did it and he just got his check!"

Yeah, did anyone actually EVER get one? Not likely. Yet we are all still suckers for a good chain letter. And as such, I was easily pulled in to the "25 Things" Notes on Facebook. I got so into it that I spent most of the afternoon writing my list of 25 Things. It was was funny and serious; heart-felt and sarcastic; a self-introspection and a public display of both my good and bad. It was actually quite exhilarating. But right before I clicked the Post button, I accidentally hit the backspace key causing my browser to go back a page and I lost everything I wrote. SON OF A.....

Anyway, I procrastinated re-writing it the rest of the day, but eventually did it. Afterwards, I thought to myself, "Maybe this kind of vent writing could ease a little stress in my life." And so here it is, my own personal blog....Imperceptible Rantings. The only guideline for my posts will be that there will not be a theme. I'm just going to write what I feel like, when I feel like it. In fact, you may see posts that will suddenly change topics in the middle of a sentance. This is how my brain works.

So to start, here is my muse....the originator of what I'm hoping becomes my therapy (unabridged). Enjoy.

1) I am currently on track to be homeless in 4 weeks....Awesome.

2) I watch a lot of TV....seriously. In any given week, my DVR records at least 11 shows.

3) Star Wars, Star Trek, Stargate...I love them all. If it involves space travel, I'll probably watch. I also secretly wish that I could be frozen and thawed in 500 years when all of it is a reality.

4) Josh, Chad, and I were once stopped by a police office who thought we were attempting to burn down our school. Only, we didn't go to school there. When we didn't have an answer about why we were lighting fires, he asked if we were doing it "for shits and giggles". That still cracks me up to this day.

5) A police office once warned me and a group of my friends that he would "take us downtown" even though we were across the street from the police station. We did not point this fact out to him.

6) Subscribing to Netflix was the BEST DECISION EVER.

7) Besides Netflix, I also own over 300 movies. This does not count TV show box sets. There is at least 1 DVD in my collection that has NEVER been placed in a player. Sad.

8) Kelsey and Courtney once spent an hour teaching me that "pillow" is pronounced PILL-O and not PELL-O. Thanks girls.

9) I almost lost my right arm as a child. An inept nurse put the IV through my vein and didn't check on me for hours. Apparently if it had gone on for another 30 minutes, they would have had to amputate my arm.

10) I have a severe hatred of needles. Can't stand them. For the first 22 years of my life I didn't know why. That Christmas my parents finally told me about #9. Now I understand.

11) I remember belching so loud in the cafeteria in 2nd grade that everybody stopped and looked at me. Mrs. Sebesta gave me a punch in my punch card for it and then told my mom. This started the epic battle between me and Mrs. S and why she is my arch nemesis.

12) I spent Spring Break of my freshmen year learning to solve a Rubik's Cube. It takes me between 2 and 3 minutes. No world record, but I'm proud of it.

13) I am very scared of having kids. Not because all babies hate me, but because I'm worried that I will either be too lax or too strict and it will scar them for life. When I think about this, it makes me even more proud of my parents since they pulled it off with 4 kids.

14) I am the only one of my siblings that is not a Johnnie or a Bennie. I catch a lot of hell for it when I go home.

15) I have to stick my foot in my mouth a lot. For example, I once called Will a "big slut" in front of his entire family. In my defense, I said it while walking into his room and had no idea that his family was in there. It was super awkward. We all tried to pretend like it didn't happen. It hasn't been bad lately, but I know that's because it's all pooling up for one enormous train-wreck of an incident.

16) I am the only person in my family to ever break a bone and have to get a cast. Did I do it in some fabulous blaze of glory? No. I did it in gym class...playing Wiffle Ball.

17) It's A LOT not ALOT and ANYWAY not ANYWAYS. Thank you Mrs. Schroeder.

18) I am very good at taking things apart but not always as successful at putting them back together. Items that have met their fate because of me: tape player with microphone when I was 7, just 2 days after my parents gave it to me for my birthday, lawn mower when I was 15 and digital camera when I was 24.

19) I killed my baby blanket when I was 8 or so by laying too close to the space heater. It started on fire, I almost started on fire, Peter saved me. Thanks bro. Sorry blankey.

20) I have made some pretty dumb decisions in my life: using a chain-saw while drinking when I was 18, driving through a blizzard to Fargo for the State Class A Boys Basketball tournament, driving Sean's Audi TT down 169 at 120 mph at 3am, launching fireworks off from a steal pipe leaning against my uncle's propane tank. I am still amazed that none of these situations resulted in bodily injury.

21) I wish I had stuck with piano. I also wish I could play the guitar.

22) I am a sucker for John Cusack movies. I don't know why but High Fidelity and Grosse Point Blank are two of my favorite movies.

23) This is the 2nd time I've had to fill out this form. I completed it and then accidentally closed my browser before I posted it...I am having difficulty remember all the things I wrote the first time, so this is a filler :-)

24) I am a fidgeter. My roomates get very irritated with me because I'm constantly fiddling with anything that is lying around. Most of the time I don't even realize I'm doing it.

25) I lost a bet in high school and had to Nair my entire chest and stomach. It was not fun. To this day, I have an odd shaped bald spot on my leg where some Nair dropped.

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