Saturday, July 18, 2009

Building a Fence

One of the biggest things I've wanted to do since buying my house was to finish the fence. Luckily, the previous owner put up 3/4 of the fence. However, he left 1/4 of it un-done cause he had a boat that he stored in the backyard.

My dad and our family friend, Mike, who is a genius at building anything, came down this weekend to help me finish it.
We got the posts and the stringers put in last night and let the cement dry over night. We got up this morning about 7:30am and bought the face boards and started hanging those.

We're breaking for lunch now and hopefully should be done around 4 or 5 tonight.

Additionally, at the last minute, my mom decided to come down too. She's been working the garden beds yesterday and today. By the end of this weekend, the yard will look drastically different.

I will post before and after pics when we are done.